
Tag Archives: Life Coach

Sore and aching, she dragged  herself out of bed. When she passed by the bathroom mirror she assessed her body. Badly bruised mostly around the mid section and ego. Wrapping a dark blue robe around before starting the day. Breakfast consisted of soda, junk food, and a large portion of self-pity. The rest of the day is divided between planing to do something or doing nothing.

It had been a while since she visited her office. Dust covered her old passions like a lid over toys in storage. She ran her index finger across a large book that was on her desk. Gold letters appeared in the dust free line. Taking a deep breath and blew. Nothing happened, just like the balloons she had once tried to inflate. Damn balloons. Discarding that memory, she sacrificed a fuzzy sleeve to the cause and uncovered the title.

     Life and Random Projects

     Inspired by a video to make the smallest things a victory, she felt accomplished. Her house didn’t noticed the shift in vibration after one book was reclaimed from the dark. Although she felt it, she had no idea that this small action would cascade into many actions. Armed with old and new knowledge, she went about the rest of her day like nothing happened.


   This video is kind of long at a whopping 25 minutes. Lots of good stuff. I am going to cut back on all my projects. This doesn’t mean that I won’t get to my big list. I just figured out the big three things I really need to be working on. Then, at the end of each week I will take stock and celebrate. Winning feels good. Even if your goal is to simply put on your work out clothes 5 days a week. You may not have made it to the gym but you accomplished your goal, and that feels good. 🙂


Definitions matter. We have the need to label everything. Tag things in a box with a common name that everyone else will understand. Like with like. It is part of the communication process. Understanding each other and finding people with similar interests and backgrounds is comforting. Despite these familiar feelings, each word still means something a little different to each person.

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, success is defined as:

1: obsolete : outcome, result
2 a : degree or measure of succeeding
b : favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence
3: one that succeeds

When you see that word:   Success  what pictures does your brain conjure up? Is it getting a good grade? Spending time with family? Providing a comfortable living for your family? Managing a large project at work? Doing what you love and getting paid to do it?

We all want to succeed at the things that are important to us. The first step than is to decide. Decide what is important and what you truly want. As of this post, my To Do list is full, random, and without real direction. The reason for that is that I haven’t made a decision. The only way to get to where you want to go is to have directions. Having a clear map with step by step or day by day instructions will help you get there.



What is the best way to success?

It seems like everyone these days is trying to get you to buy their method to success. Let’s say you follow through, and are unhappy when you get the finish line. If you are unhappy, would you call yourself successful? I know I wouldn’t. In this case, just like everyone has their own definitions, than everyone has their own map. We don’t need to get caught up in what our family and friends think we should do. We need to take the time, and draw our own map to success.

How to draw your own map?

The first part is easy. You already know what you want so make a list. I think better when my pen glides across paper. You might be more comfortable typing or recording your voice. Either way, it is time to list out all your wants. Travel to another country, learning a new language or how to play a particular instrument, retire in the next 10 years, start a face painting business. There is nothing to outrageous when it comes to your list. It is all your own!  A list of one hundred is a good start. You will change your mind here and there as you grow but you can always edit it as you flow through life.

Now, you take your list, and divide it between Long Term and Short Term. Deciding what is more important to you will help see what you want to do this year. You keep narrowing your focus until it is so sharp, you not only know what you’re doing today, but know that it is helping you accomplish your Success Map.

This weeks Definitions That Design Challenge:  Make your list and break it into small pieces.

~Cheers to you, life, and random projects~

Just Drop It

It sounds so easy right? Just to drop it, let it go, get on with your life. Some days it is easier than others. For certain subjects that are close to you, it can be even harder. What if you are struggling with something that happened years ago? It may seem silly on the outside, but very real emotions on the inside.

I listened to some audio from Jim Britt the other day. It was all about the power of letting go. He said a couple of things about the things we carry with us. The first was that it isn’t on our shoulders dragging us down. In fact, we hold on to these things. It is a cool thing to realize because if we choose to hold on to it, we can choose to let it go.

I hope to master that one day in the future. I imagine seeing a world full of solutions instead of trying to maintain the illusion of control. I can think of a couple of situations that all worked out once I stopped trying to figure it all out. Stopped getting in my own way. Even talking about letting go makes me feel more free. Free from worry and doubt. Free to really do the things I want to do. I am excited about Jim Britt and Jim Lutes new project. I can’t wait for the launch. I look forward to gaining some new ideas.

You can check the project out here:

A quote a friend shared on Facebook: “My set backs may have amused you, but my comebacks are going to confuse you.”

Cheers to you, life, random projects and the closing of 2013.

Or is it?

Doesn’t make you wonder sometimes? We tell our selves that fairy dust and positive thoughts are things used to distract us from the truth. The truth is that the truth is whatever we want it to be. If you read things that are sad, you become kind of sad. If you read things that are happy, you become kind of happy.

What if you actually could ‘fake it til you make it’? Listening to compelling arguments from both sides of the spectrum, it is hard to figure out who is right. I think they are both right. When you are down in the dumps, it is nice to have company. Or at least someone to give you some sympathy. Maybe even agree with your side of the story. All of that is a waste of your time

I have been doing some reading and listening. The last motivational type thing I listened to was See You At The Top by Zig Ziglar. One of the points he made was that you decide what kind of day you are going to have from the very beginning. It doesn’t have to be a ‘cat kickin world’. We can do better.

I just found a blog on celebrities and positive thinking. (This is what I was trying to go for with this post. Since this is already sooo awesome, I decided to share!) If they can do it, why can’t I? If they can do it, why can’t you?

There is something new on the control your thoughts and feelings block. It is in Pre-Enrolment. This means it has not launched yet. The goal is to share it with as many people before it launches. Now, I am sharing it with you.

I hope that everyone will create their own path to wealth and happiness. If this helps you, (and me) than awesome! As I get more information, I will spill the beans. 🙂

Cheers to you, life full of wealth and happiness, and random projects   ~ Amanda